Wet food prepared with Fleischsaftgarung
The FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) creates the important properties of our wet food that are so appreciated by dog lovers:
FSG wet food is a delight for your dog and comes completely without attractants, flavourings, colourings, odours and flavour enhancers. The reasons for this are:
- The vacuum: The meat cooks under vacuum. So nothing is lost, not even natural flavours, as it is the case with boiling.
- No added water: Fresh meat (muscle meat, no offal) is cooked in the meat juice. By not adding cooking water or broth, FSG wet food remains undiluted and tasty.

FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) makes our wet food as nutrient-rich as BARF diet. The reasons are:
- The vacuum: All the natural vitamins and nutrients of the meat are completely preserved.
- The low temperature: Due to the low temperature, during FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) the vitamins and nutrients are preserved.
- No added water: With FSG (Fleischsaftgarung), fresh meat is cooked only in its own meat juices. By not adding cooking water or broth, the natural vitamins and nutrients of the meat are not diluted. Therefore, the amount of food that meets the needs of the dog is significantly lower, compared to most wet food. Smaller quantity of food relieves the stomach and digestive system, which has a positive effect on long-term health.

FSG meat is digested better and utilised more effectively by dogs, than any other food:
- The dog's digestive system has hardly changed during domestication. Meat is still the most important source of nutrition. Proteins denatured with FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) are digested better than raw meat.
- The faeces resulting from FSG dog food is correspondingly small, dimensionally stable and has no obtrusive aroma. The consistency of the faeces makes it easier for your dog to pass it (once or twice a day).

In a world full of advertising promises, it is hard to tell the good from the bad. That is why we have commissioned TÜV Süd Elab (now ELAB Analytik GmbH) to test our dog food regularly and independently. What is tested:
- Our fresh meat content: testing of recipe compliance at the preparation site.
- For harmful substances, to protect the health of your best friend.
- Our declaration
Further information is available at: www.elab-analytik.de/platinum-english/

Reaching the core temperature in cans requires much longer heating than in Tetra-Recart® cartons due to the shape of the can. The canned meat is often overcooked at the rim by the time the meat in the centre of the can reaches core temperature. Along with the meat, the flavour of the canned meat also gets affected. That is why wet food prepared with FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) is only available in Tetra Recart® cartons.
Compared to cans, Tetra Recart® cartons are also
- More environmentally friendly,
- More space-saving and
- Easier to handle

Our products

Meat meal is produced when the nutrient-rich meat juice and the natural fat content are extracted from the fresh meat, applying high temperatures and high pressure. Meat meal is not tasty, and it is significantly less nutritious than fresh meat. That is why there is no meat meal roast on the table on Sundays and no meat meal in our dog food.
Dog food prepared with FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) is no ordinary dog food
Meat becomes more digestible by heating. Scientists of Harvard University have found out that proteins, denatured by heat, can be digested faster than raw meat. This is valid for humans as for animals. Furthermore, heating the meat kills any pathogens (germs and bacteria) that may be present, which spares the body an energy consuming defence against infection.
That is why we use fresh meat to prepare our food. The method of preparing is called FSG (Fleischsaftgarung). In this process, fresh meat is cooked only in its own meat juice, as in the kitchen. We are not talking about everyday kitchen, but gourmet cuisine, where chefs use special cooking methods to prepare meat tastier and also healthier, thanks to the meat juice. FSG combines a selection of these cooking methods to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal. Adapted to the nutritional needs of the dog, our quality food is a big step forward for the dog. The dog sees itself as a real member of the family and not as a wolf.
Industrial wet food (dog food)
Wet food is mainly available in cans, bowls or pouches. There is one similarity between all of them: cans, bowls or pouches filled with raw mass are cooked for over an hour to produce wet food (dog food). We imagine wet food as meat we know from the kitchen, which is cooked best in its own juice and combined with a little vegetable, potato, or rice. But this is not wet food, it is wet nutrition. Wet food (dog food) only pretends to be like wet nutrition (dog food). In fact, a variety of ways are applied by wet food suppliers to make wet food look like wet nutrition (dog food). There is wet feed (dog food) that appears like pieces of meat. Often there are animal by-products as an essential ingredient in the wet food. It is not uncommon that there is water added, in order to increase the volume. You can recognise wet food which is watered down by a moisture level close to 80%. Wet food diluted with water often needs odour ants and flavours to become attractive to dogs. In addition, wet food to which water has been added requires the dog to consume bigger quantity to satisfy its nutritional requirements. Such a wet food puts more strain on the stomach and digestive system than natural wet food.
Wet nutrition instead of wet dog food
Wet food is produced by the short-cooking method of FSG (Fleischsaftgarung). In this process, fresh meat is heated only in its own meat juice for a very short time. This is possible only in the Tetra-Recart® carton because the core temperature of the fresh meat is reached particularly fast by applying heat to the narrow sides. The short-cooking method of FSG preserves the natural nutrients of meat and meat juice. The dog's digestive system is made for digesting meat. That is why wet food prepared with FSG can be excellently converted into energy and can be used for the body. Wet food prepared with FSG is natural, because the volume has not been increased by boiling water. Therefore, the sufficient quantity of food that covers the dog's needs is significantly lower compared to most wet feed offer. These reliefs the stomach and digestive system, which has a positive effect on long-term health. Dog food prepared with FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) comes without flavour enhancers, without attractants and without odour ants and of course without any preservatives.
Overall, wet food prepared with FSG (Fleischsaftgarung) is suitable for all dog breeds.